tind sa cred ca e cu ghinion pentru mine, si funny shit, m`am nascut pe 13.
in fine. superstitii...
numai ca m`am saturat sa nu`mi reuseasca nimic. incerc, si degeaba. okay... something's not right. nu stiu de ce. nici nu vreau sa ma gandesc.
am ajuns la rock bottom, mai pe scurt.
fucking luck, it seems to avoid me.
chiar nu am nicio idee ce si cum sa fac. ca orice as face, oricum nu`mi iese.
I'm done, with everything. and this time I mean it. I'm sick of it all.
I give up.
"How could this happen to me?"
To bad you push away someone that wants you...
ReplyDeletetoo bad that you don't get it & that this comment of yours makes no sense & it's not even 0,999999999% related to my post.