June 19, 2012

Obsessed much?!

I don't love, and I can't love. I won't love, because there's other things that matter for me.
Love is just something that might come along the way, but it's not my priority, and it won't ever be. I don't want you, or someone else. I don't feel the need to have someone close to hug, or kiss or whatever. Yeah, I'm that heartless. But it doesn't make sense for me. I find it dis-fucking-gusting.
Love ain't for me.

You say you want me? Seriously. You don't know shit about me. Find another girl across the bar, 'cause I ain't that one. Keep walking, but not my way.
I tried to be friends with you, but me being nice to you, made you imagine stuff. You're delusional. It's not gonna happen. Not now, not ever.

1. you ain't my type.
2. I don't find you that attractive.
3. I don't need you.
4. I find you confusing & that just adds up to the part that you're freaking me out.
 5. You need to lay it off.

You don't know me, as I said above, and you can't make me like you more than friends, and I'm not sure if I like you as a friend either after all this, because you're weird, and not in the good way.
Don't make me dislike you to the point that I won't be able to stand you, because that's when you gon' start to piss me off, and that's when I'll be starting to get rude and treat you like shit.

Know your fucking limits. Okay? Do you get it now? Or do I need to make a fucking drawing for you?

What did you think? That talking to me /over/ YM and see my FB photos and read my blog, will push you up to top and you thought that it'll make me like you?

da fuq u smokin' man.

I don't like being with someone, at least, not someone like you. Why? Because reason and because I like my freedom and independence.

I am so fed up with you that I just wanna kick you in the face. Knock it off, stop stalking my every move.
Since that night you said: "As vrea sa fii aici..." you creeped the fuck out of me. Jesus Christ, what the fuck was that about? We were talking for like, 30 minutes? Maybe less. That was uncalled for. That was a stupid move. Who the fuck do you think I am?!  And why in the fuck do you talk like that to me? Did I become your propriety over sight and I don't know? Whoa. Don't trip. I think I've told you enough on Yahoo too. Babysit, you make me sick.
And to be honest, you're boring as a bad fuck. You don't impress me. You leave me cold.
Stop it. You're embarrassing yourself.
Cut to the chase.


This one's for you. 

still not getting any...

sa zicem ca totu`  okay. dar...
tind sa cred ca e cu ghinion pentru mine, si funny shit, m`am nascut pe 13.
in fine. superstitii...
numai ca m`am saturat sa nu`mi reuseasca nimic. incerc, si degeaba. okay... something's not right. nu stiu de ce. nici nu vreau sa ma gandesc.
am ajuns la rock bottom, mai pe scurt.
fucking luck, it seems to avoid me.
chiar nu am nicio idee ce si cum sa fac. ca orice as face, oricum nu`mi iese.
I'm done, with everything. and this time I mean it. I'm sick of it all.
I give up.
"How could this happen to me?"

June 12, 2012

& on a side note... just thought I should throw this here.

I'm done giving a shit. this time for sure. I just can't care anymore. as numb as never, I'm quitting affairs with feelings, especially with people.

what the fuck do you want from me, & why all these reproaches & why for? I do & say what I want anyway, so don't waste your breath. fuck you, simple as that.

I really don't need you to tell me how to live MY OWN FUCKING LIFE. 

June 5, 2012


Second sight...
Sunt unele momente cand iti amintesti de anumite intamplari din viata ta... fragmente de viata, ca o poza in rama ramase intiparite in mintea ta... Amintiri ce poate te fac sa plangi... sa plangi de bucurie.
Ne-am schimbat toti, suntem grabiti, nu mai acordam timpul necesar pentru a trai cu adevarat... toti avem diferite probleme, griji si alte nu stiu ce. Sad, daca sa te gandesti ca toate au timpul lor si ca poate peste ani nu o sa ai urme ale trecutului in suflet, poate nici macar o umbra.
Stop for a minute and smile...
Detasarea pentru o clipa de obisnuit, si de ceea ce iti ocupa majoritatea timpului este the best thing you can do for yourself.
Intr-o lume in care nu mai exista timp, sa rupi din realitate pentru o clipa de vis, could do more than you can imagine.
Not all that glitters is gold, but shining for a while is a little piece of heaven you can get yourself.
"everybody dies, but not everybody lives..."